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The Pleasant Journey

If not us, then who?

The Pleasant Journey

If not us, then who?

Never mind a global pandemic, 2020 was the year we set out to revolutionise the way we clean our homes, and what a wild ride it's been. It all started with a crowdfunding campaign. Now, we're delivering planet changing products to thousands of forward-thinking Australian homes!

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Our Why

The Pleasant State purpose

Honestly? Because it seemed like a no brainer. To do this right, we've had to start out small, but we have big plans to be the best. We all know that in this current climate, keeping your home and family healthy is more important than ever, but this doesn't mean we need to stock up on plastic baddies that are filled with toxic chemicals. That's not doing anyone any favours! Why go backwards when we can go forwards?

Our founders Ami and Sian banded together to create a sustainable solution when we needed it most. They've been blown away by the support of the community, suppliers and basically everyone they meet!

Pleasant State is changing the way we clean our homes. Cleaning products are no longer a necessary evil that's hidden under the kitchen sink. Instead they're beautiful, waste-free and non-toxic products that you can proudly display in your home.

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A Pleasant Letter

We’re so glad you’re here!

We’re Ami and Sian, the founders of Pleasant State. We’re on a mission to change how people clean their homes...for good! Our aim is to prove that doing good is good for business by balancing people, planet, and profits. 


In 2019, Ami was dealing with chronic headaches. After consulting with healthcare professionals, she began working to remove plastics and nasty chemicals from her home. However, when it came to cleaning products, she couldn’t find any healthy, zero-waste, and effective solutions in Australia. We quickly realized that traditional cleaning products and their plastic packaging are major contributors to indoor air pollution and are making Australians sick. So, we did something about it!


We created Pleasant State, Australia’s first concentrated cleaning bars that dissolve in tap water to make healthy, plant-based, and zero-waste cleaning solutions that actually work! Our ridiculously good-looking just-add-water products make it easy for you to do the right thing for people and the planet without compromising on effectiveness or convenience.


Despite bootstrapping and pre-order crowdfunding Pleasant State to date, we’ve achieved incredible results and made a heck of an impact! In the two years since we began shipping our revolutionary products, we went from Ami’s garage to our Sunny Coast warehouse, and now our products can be found in over 20,000 homes. We’ve stopped 150,000 plastic bottles from entering landfills, generated 75,000 liters of toxic-free cleaning solutions, and raised over $45,000 for charities, including Take 3 for the Sea. We are also proud to be Australia’s first certified B Corp and a 1% for the Planet member.


We both relocated to the Sunshine Coast to be closer to the ocean and nature. Ami as a surf lifesaver and Sian as a surfer, we have a deep love for the planet and are driven to do everything we can to protect it. We’re design-led individuals who believe that the way to make a lasting change is with strong ethics, powerful branding, and well-designed products.


Gone are the days of hiding ugly, plastic, and toxic cleaning products under your sink. Our focus on aesthetics, premium effective ingredients, and bringing joy to cleaning means we are more than a cleaning brand. We are becoming a self-care brand that’s leading the way in the just-add-water space. 


So what are you waiting for? Make the switch to our revolutionary products today and help us make waves, not ripples when it comes to social and environmental impacts. 

Sian Murray & Ami Bateman


Get to Know Our People...

Meet our team of top-notch people



Ami Bateman

Ami loves solving problems that no-one else is willing (or silly enough) to take on. She's never accepted the status quo and always fights against injustice. Ami looks after all the business side of things and ensures our team is moving together in the right direction. She holds an MBA and has a long history in big business ( Ernst & Young, McDonald's, Australia Post, NAB), including over 16 years in sustainability, and knows there's a better way of doing things. She's not one to sit around and wait for the action to come to her - on weekends, you'll catch her patrolling the beach in her bold reds and yellows, or blazing down the street on her motorbike or skateboard.


Sian Murray

An advocate for adventure, conscious living and creative endeavours. The go to dreamer of the group, Sian ensures the Pleasant State brand is pushing boundaries and inspiring action while nurturing and engaging our rapidly growing community. Sian has extensive experience in Marketing, working in one of Melbourne's top boutique marketing agencies where she worked across clients such as Nike, Vicinity Centres, Carmex, Sherrin and Spalding. You'll find Sian in front of the camera spreading the Pleasant State mission far and wide. Sian believes that we exist in a pivotal time in which it's our responsibility to protect and change the way we interact with the planet.



Karl Dittko

All round nice guy and resident maths and science wizz. Karl completed a PhD in Mechanical Engineering before becoming a Patent Attorney. He spent almost 10 years developing his IP skills in a private practice before moving in-house. To live up to his Dr Karl namesake, he's gone back to Unito do a Bachelor in Science. A mad triathlete and lover of all things ocean, Karl is on a mission to protect his outdoor playground.


Ranil Illesinghe

Ranil is obsessed with trying to understand what people do and why they do it. His insights help us create the best possible products for our customers. With a Commerce Degree and a Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts, Ranil has undertaken significant customer insights projects across various industries including retail, FMCG entertainment and government. Ranil is currently Head of Data Insights and Research at a major ASX-listed company.


Jenn Leung

Jenn is our creative-commercial wizard who turns ideas into reality. Equally adept at diving into the nitty-gritty and crafting long-term strategies. From steering household name brands to fueling the innovation of SMEs, Jenn brings over 15 years of Marketing expertise to the table. Outside of Pleasant State, you'll find Jenn immersed in the arts, music, and nature in Melbourne with her family. Passionate about balancing people, planet, and profits, she aspires to forge a brighter future for her two little ones.



Mathew Nelson

Mat's passion for sustainability goes way back. He made history in Australia as EY's first Chief Sustainability Officer and led their Global Climate Change and Sustainability Team to become the world's top-ranked ESG and sustainability consulting firm. He's also the chair of the Australian Earthwatch Institute, furthering his commitment to making the world a greener place. Catch him cheering for his favorite team, the Magpies, or cruising around in his electric car.


David Popov

David's passion and love for branding has led him over the past 20 years to develop numerous identities for companies all over the world. His depth of experience includes work for the arts, sport, retail, hospitality, property, luxury lifestyle and various other corporate sectors. David is a founder of the prestigious Melbourne based graphic design and brand identity studio, Pop & Pac, and contributes his extensive brand and design expertise to Pleasant State. His favourite colour is orange, and he loves his beloved Essendon Football Club and carving it up on his One Wheel skateboard.

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